FLYWHEEL FAN AIR COOLED ENGINES - precursor to the Modern Air Cooled Motor.
New Way promoted it's products as being light weight, compact and reliable. These concepts were displayed throughout production.
Competition - It wasn't a foreign concept to the New Way Motor Company but the advance of time along with mechanical and technological advances in the workplace spelt out it's demise. Vision probably wasn't the lack but direction likely was, in an age where the capability of machines moved at a hectic pace and in many cases set aside the requirement for the stand alone motor. (eg. PTO and electric power etc.)
Innovation - By 1917 New Way had introduced the Flywheel Fan into it's motor range. Simple but effective the essential concept continues to be used in todays air cooled engines.
Advancement - The New Way Motor Company and it's successor the New Way Engine and Machine Company produced models of varying Hp using the Flywheel Fan concept. Along with throttle governing, clutch pulley and optioning without a heavy base, these were to be the last really significant advances adopted in their range. Flywheel mounted Fan Series/Models included:-
F Series in a likely Hp range of 4 to 7.5.
CH(A) - 5 Hp Single (initially 4 Hp ?)
CHA - 6 Hp Single Cylinder.
BH(A) - 3 Hp Single Cylinder (base incorporated)
FH(A) - 5 Hp Single Cylinder (base incorporated)
EHA - 8 Hp Twin Cylinder Vertical (c1930s)
GHA - 10 Hp Twin Cylinder Vertical (c1930s)
Generally from a Sales perspective, following standard New Way practice, a purchaser would order an Outfit Number. In other words the Outfit No. (eg "C-2" ) used by the dealer, defined how the particular motor was to be optioned for the purchaser. The motor was the same but options chosen defined which Outfit No was used in ordering. Optioning could relate to the fitting or otherwise of combinations of:-