New Way Stationary Engines

Aim - To serve and support the New Way Stationary Engine restoration community.
There was a New Way Stationary Motor inclined to Hit and Miss. It was designed that way but intermittently it would missfire and this in the confines of the beekeepers shed fired my imagination, grabbing my senses. I just loved the sound of the New Way 3.5Hp working - likely fuelled by a too rich mixture.
With each missfire came the tell tale puff of blue smoke and via the old sawbench, the beekeeping manufacturing business was underway, alive and well. Alf was in his element. Romance, nah, hard work but Hoots the New Way went a long way in firing the imagination of times past running in the present. The present, after all, that's where life is, it's not in the past, but romancing the past, that's the present if you're living it.
The priveledge of life. Present and past is now!!! - alive.

Ye Olde Sawbench & New Way Motor kept company by Howard Rotary Hoes

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

New Way Twin Model EH Carburetor - REPLACEMENT OPTIONS

 MODEL CARBURATION - New Way Twin Type 2

New Way fitted at least a couple of manufacturer's carburetors to their engines in the vertical twin model Type 2 configuration eg Model EH. They may have also been fitted to their Model DH vertical single cylinder of the same era. (DH yet to be confirmed)

In line with the New Way quality of the day these were fitted automotive quality carburetors supplied by:-

  1. Carter
  2. Tillotson
  • In the early years of 1900 most MIXERS / CARBURETORS fitted to stationary engines and the like were made of brass. 
  • As time progressed manufacturers migrated away from brass to the no doubt a cheaper alternative using POT metal which could be of varying consistencies of different non ferrous metals depending on source material availability. 
    • The end result was POT metal failure on many carburetors including Tillotson Models
  • TILLOTSON MODEL S12 - expected these were fitted during the mid 1930s and likely were the earlier S4 etc models just tweaked a little.
    •  Little apparent difference between S4 and S12 carburetors
    • S Model Tillotson carburetors were apparently fitted to Whippet, De Soto, Pontiac, Plymouth, Rugby, Chrysler, Dodge and Oldsmobile cars 
With the failure of original equipment carburetors made of POT metal, an opening for copying by enterprising businessmen was seen and taken up. Brass was utilised with it's established reliability.

Companies in Australia produced replicas or near replicas
  • ATOM 
  • KOALA Products
Koala Products Carburettor  and the Atom Carburettor are virtually identical in brass to the Tillotson S model of carburetors and so can make an ideal replacement carburettor where POT Metal cancer has rendered the original equipment unserviceable. The Alpha carburetor did utilise a different choke assembly intake angle, at least on some versions, but otherwise appears very similar. 

The POT metal carburetors can be very susceptible to breakage and splitting along threads and stress points.

Just arrived by KOALA PRODUCTS is their concise POWER CENTRE document providing:-
  1. Parts Lists
  2. Assembly details
  3. Drawing of Exploded view of carburetor
  4. Features of the model
  5. Method of Adjustment - Explicit Guide
  6. Engine Adapters Available
The 4 page document gives an explicit guide to adjusting the KOALA carburetor but no doubt given the KOALA is intended to be a TILLOTSON replica would also be a useful guide if your New WAY still has the original Tillotson equipment fitted as supplied.

Click this Link to download KOALA DOCUMENT



Wednesday, November 1, 2023



The New Way Motor Company, it is apparent from the outset, was very much about quality and it certainly pushed the boundaries of machine technology of the time. Certainly a philosophy evident in the field of AIR COOLING as associated with combustion. 


The company via the brilliance of it's engineers, the prime example being Charles Way. Charles, had the intellect of a lateral thinker and developed solutions that were introduced, worked and stood the test of time.


The new way Motor company sought excellence in its techniques in production seeking to excel in so many aspects of production that then went on to provide economies in the fields of service. 

In service this included:

  • Light weight
  • Impervious to heat and cold - Air cooled
      • No freezing of water to destroy the engine
  • Better fuel economy
  • Simplicity of operation
  • Fast Maintenance
  • Less wear and tear
      • As a general rule all engines were enclosed with internal lubrication to eliminate the effects of dust entering lubrication oil. 
  • Utilising up to the minute advances in technology
      • Buzz coil to Magneto
      • Hit Miss to Throttle Governing
From the outset the New Way Motor Company introduced engines where it's cylinders and head were an integral single unit. The problems associated with head gaskets were eliminated.

The engine carried oil in it's enclosed sump which was designed to splash feed the bearings etc in the crankcase. At the same time by pressure created in the crankcase through combustion, oil was fed via ball valve and oil line to lubricate the shroud enclosed fan that kept the engine at operating temperature.

Upper cylinder lubrication was achieved using a drip feed oiler set for a defined drip rate. The oiler was designed to prevent dust entry and by the use of a ball in it's lower chamber prevent it's mis-operation through combustion back pressure. 

Despite all efforts to enable reliability, with continued or extended use the  gremlin wear makes it's appearance especially on a vintage engine. On early engines New Way did not have any filter or other means of trapping the dust in the air intake of their engines. It a dusty farm environment that could be catastrophic. Maintenance needs /needed to be to the fore. 

It is time to look at options for (WEAR) maintenance of the vintage New Way.


Low Compression or seized (stuck)
  1. Remove Piston and / or Rings replacement
    1. Never allow the piston to go into the cylinder past it's normal travel point.
      1. Rings will expand and be trapped on the top of cylinder lip
      2. Preventing piston removal from cylinder 
Main Bearings worn with oil spewing out the side of the engine.
Two Maintenance Issues and Options:-
  1. Oily mess everywhere at base of engine etc
    1. Remove some packing if fitted so as to eliminate bearing slop if possible else
    2. Fit lightly loaded spring foot valve at a suitable point on the crankcase above oil level
      1. Acts as a negative pressure valve opening when piston moves away from TDC
        1. Limits crankcase pressure and oil spewing from crank bearings
    3. Pour new bearings
  2. Loss of oil pressure to feed oil to the fan and or excessive oil dripping from the fan shaft.
    1. Leave the oil line in place for authenticity etc
    2. Remove plug at junction of oil line and fan shaft
      1. Fit a small grease cup in lieu of the plug
      2. Screw the grease cup cap in to force grease into the fan shaft which will lubricate and also stop oil coming up the line if there was excessive oil issues.
      3. During operation, regularly turn the greaser to lube the fan shaft.
BRASS GOVERNOR SLEEVE badly worn at mating point with fingers of the HOOK UP LEVER (Early engine)
The brass governor sleeve is subject to constant wear if not properly lubricated as it is one point on the engine that is not enclosed at all and is therefore exposed to dust. The sleeve's actuation against the two fingers of the hook up lever to hold the exhaust valve open presents a significant pressure point for the brass governor sleeve. The brass sleeve will wear through if lubrication at this point is not kept clean especially in a dusty environment.

Maintenance options include:-
  1. Use a suitable proprietary metal like filler (eg xx Weld) suitable to the task to fill the wear points on the sleeve.
    1. Ensure the Brass Sleeve is thoroughly cleaned so as to provide excellent adhesion 
    2. Shape and pare down to correct thickness to enable the fingers to operate simultaneously.
      1. Generally the only significant wear will be where the fingers actuate the rest should be able to be adjusted by governor controls or repositioning of the flywheel.
  2. Fit a recast brass governor sleeve if available.
    1. Requires the governor side flywheel to be removed
  3. Fit a 2 piece interlocked Brass Governor Sleeve if available
    1. Worn sleeve can be removed and replaced with the interlocked sleeve without removing the flywheel. 
  4. Future operation
    1. Ensure the sleeve brassware is well lubricated with clean lubricant.
    2. Ensure the flywheel governor screws are adjusted as necessary to compensate for changes.
Practices to Enhance Service Life,
Your Operational New Way Engine

Friday, November 19, 2021

New Way - Auxiliary Exhaust - Ported Engines


New Way was one of a small number of companies that introduced Auxiliary Exhaust Port on some of their engines.

New Way Motor Company produced engines ranging from 1Hp to 12Hp in a variety of configurations that obviously suited different applications. These were horizontals or verticals in either single or twin cylinder format. The auxiliary exhaust port had a key function of reducing the operating temperature of the cylinder and exhaust valve in particular and as such was only fitted to New Way Motor Company's  largest cylinder engines. 

Volumes of hot gasses were diverted into the auxiliary exhaust port instead of being exposed to the cylinder on the exhaust stroke and being expelled via the exhaust valve. An engine with far less exposure to volumes of hot gasses ran cooler overall along with a cooler exhaust valve.


  • Single Cylinder Horizontal - Standard heavy duty engine - "S" Series Engine
    • Model H Type C
    • 6 HP
    • Apx Bore 6.25 inch x Stroke 8 inch

    • Twin Cylinder Horizontal engine - Standard heavy duty engine - "S" Series Engine
      • Model L Type C
      • 12 HP
      • Bore 6.25 inch x Stroke 8 inch
    The Auxiliary Exhaust Ported Engines were first patented in 1904 around the same time New Way engines were first produced although New Way did not produce any engines with this function until some years later.

    PATENT -(utilizing auxiliary exhaust port) - filed and listed as 
    • By F. Hardenbrook and W. Rice
    • Patent granted 17 May 1904
    • Patent No. 760333 
    The patented idea for the auxiliary exhaust port was actually very quickly used in 1904 by Gade Bros. Manufacturing Company of Iowa Falls, Iowa in their Gade Engine. 
    Other manufactures followed suit in utilising this patented design. The key driver behind the design was an air cooled engine that ran cooler. 

    In it's rudimentary form the auxilary port is little more than a hole in the cylinder wall just before the bottom or end of the piston's stroke. The hole is sized and positioned to vent the cylinder which varies in effectiveness in accordance with engine RPM and cylinder variables like stroke and bore. Most of the general information here has been gleaned from the patent notes. The description and functionality contained in the patent is quite exhaustive.

    Download a copy- PATENT
    In the following I have tried to precis general operation with New Way specifics.
      • at the end of the power stroke the piston passes and exposes the dual open port momentarily allowing hot exhaust to escape. A cooling effect is achieved because the cylinder is exposed to lesser volumes of very hot gasses.
      •  Reduced volume of hot exhaust gases exposed to the cylinder is then forced out of the usual exhaust valve setup.
      • Little difference, mixture is drawn in as usual, except the port is open at the bottom of the stroke which because the cylinder is less than atmospheric draws in additional gases or air if exposed directly to outside air.
        • NOTE - New Way used a connected exhaust port where the port is connected by manifold to the usual exhaust setup. This means any gases in the exhaust at the time would tend to be drawn into the lower cylinder. 
          • Possibly an early form of anti-polution device to reburn some exhaust gas.
      • With correct mixture no real difference in operation. As soon as the piston passes the port the fuel /air mixture starts to compress in the usual manner.
    • Engines like those produced by New Way with their so called Automatic atmospheric intake, utilize a governor to hold the exhaust valve open producing over-run with "miss" for rev. control. With the exhaust valve held open on the engine reaching governed RPM, with the exhaust valve held open, there is no suction to draw open the atmospheric intake valve.
      • Overruns do not draw mixture but with the port and exhaust valve both open, with piston movement, they also provide a rudimentary mechanism for cooling by circulation.
      • Early New Way twin cylinder engines had a common muffler. Later engines had totally separate exhaust systems. It is likely single muffler setups also would not be ideal for the ported engines as hot exhaust gases from the other cylinder might at times feed into the auxiliary port thereby disturbing the circulation cooling on overrun.

    Patent No. 76033 Drawing extract depicting the location of the auxiliary port (cropped photo)

    Diagram shows the small port [90] which is uncovered and exposed to the hot cylinder gases when the piston travels to the right and reaches near the bottom of it's stroke. Allowing, on the end of the power stroke, much of the hot exhaust gasses to escape resulting in a cooler running engine as the hot gasses are not retained until expelled at the top of the exhaust stroke. Meaning too that the exhaust valve can operate much cooler.



    PHOTO 1

    PHOTO 1 - Shows the general configuration and overview of the exhaust manifold setup used. Note New Way used a connected or combined exhaust, channeling exhaust from both the exhaust valve outlet and the Auxiliary port into the one muffler. 

    New Way maintained this same setup on their twin cylinder engines using dual mufflers and keeping the exhaust setup of each cylinder totally separate.
    [Likely prevented auxiliary exhaust port gas pressure problems between cylinders if they were interconnected.]


    PHOTO 2

    PHOTO 2 Shows in detail the connection of the Aux. port manifold toward the bottom end of the cylinder [RHS of photo] just near the extreme end of the cooling fins.
    Exhaust gases from the exhaust valve are channeled in the usual manner for New Way - via pipe fittings connected directly into the cooling fin area of the cylinder.    

    PHOTO 3

    PHOTO 3
    Showing the casting between the cylinder and the Aux. manifold. It should be noted that 2 small holes are used in the New Way design including in the cylinder. This allows removel of a greater volume of hot gasses at the same time ensures that the rings do not catch as they pass over the holes as they might if a larger single hole were utilised. 

    A larger single hole would not provide the intermediate support to rings, as given by the cylinder wall between the 2 small holes.

    Note how the casting is shaped for gas flow into the oval shaped manifold ensuring better flow of gasses once expelled by explosion gas pressure from the cylinder.

    PHOTO 4

    PHOTO 4
    - Showing the set up used on NEW WAY engines where the Aux. port is not used. The plate merely blanks off the 2 auxiliary exhaust ports on the lower end of the cylinder.
    The engine then functions like a standard engine without any Aux. exhaust ports 

    Engines were listed in the New Way Motor Company D14 catalog of 1914 as operating with the auxiliary port functionality. Ported engines were actually in production c1913. The early 12HP engines of 1911 were fitted with a cylinder of different design and did not have the ported engine. 

    D14 Catalog - STANDARD 6 HP Engine
    Clearly showing the cylinder with auxiliary ported exhaust  

    D14 Catalog - STANDARD 12 HP Double Cylinder Engine again clearly showing the manifold from the auxiliary ported exhaust feeding directly into the standard muffler along with the feed via the normal exhaust valve. 

    NOTE:- the engine in the D11 Catalog of 1911, [12 HP] did not have the radial fins on the top of the cylinder head and are not shown as being fitted out with ported exhausts.

    Trust this has been informative

    Tuesday, June 15, 2021


     Hi all,

    I have been working to make the site more navigable.


    Just a quick note to advise that I have recently split the registry into 5 pages according to engine configurations used by New Way. You will still access the registry the same way but the first page now becomes a landing page. 

    Once there you simply click on to the engine configuration you are seeking or researching. 

    • Hit Miss Vertical Single cylinder Engines
    • Throttle Governed Vertical Single cylinder Engines
    • Vertical Twin cylinder Engines
    • Horizontal Single cylinder Engines
    • Horizontal Twin Cylinder engines

    We have also added an index to all the main posts that have been done over the years. This is accessed at the top right of the page where all the available pages are listed. This will give you access to an index where a single click takes to the article sought.

    Remember - Searches of posts can still always be done on your own specific words of interest by entering them in the "Site Search" box located immediately below the available pages listing. This will bring up posts in some relevance order to enable you to make a choice.


    Saturday, August 29, 2020


    Today we wish to promote the services of the Wisconsin Historical Society Library and thank them for the advertising material on "New-Way" engines. 

    The Wisconsin Historical Society Library carries quite an extensive collection of historical records and advertisements for companies and machines of the past. Like many libraries it provides a service to the public enabling research or procurement of documents or manuals to help people in pursuit of their interests. 

    ADVERTISING of "New Way Engines"

    Wisconsin Historical Society Library has quite a collection of advertisements featuring equipment of the New Way Motor company. Copies of these we have assembled into a booklet. 


    • New Way Motor Company
      • 5 Engines in 1
      • CH Model Engine
      • Multi-Purpose Air Cooled Engine
    • Marmon Chicago Company Inc.
      • Marco Light and Power Plant
      • 1500 watt Generator
      • Powered by New Way Engine
      • Barlow Corporation - Distributors
      • Army proved
    The advertisements are quite large and in good condition with extensive use of pictures / graphics. They give a lot of detail about both the engines and where applicable, the generating power plant. They strongly promote proven reliability and use the army supply as a strong basis for these claims.
    While all advertisements feature New Way engines only some are specifically New Way Motor Company advertising material. Many seek to show the versatility of "5 Engines in 1" and it's application not only as a lighting plant but in many other applications on both farm and the construction workplace etc.
    The 21 Page booklet has been formatted for A4 with many of the advertisements being very close to that size in their original format. Booklet indexing on page 2 uses the main title of each advert giving the main thrust of each advertisement.

    The New Way Registry Library now has over 120 documents specifically related to "New Way" equipment. The latest Wisconsin Collection booklet can be accessed HERE or simply go to the library and scroll down to the last one in the compilation group. 

    All documents are for private non commercial use and free to download.


    Sunday, May 24, 2020

    CENTAUR TRACTOR - Powered by New Way Engine

    Centaur Tractors play a significant part in the New Way registry with quite a few registered. In addition there is some centaur documentation in the library. For some tractor examples just click on these links:-
    • Tractor 1 - older restoration
    • Tractor 2 - Unrestored - note pully on front of engine likely for saw bench or grain grinder
    • Tractor 3 - Unrestored - 1923 Model - Riding cultivator fitted

    Whilst very rudimentary by today's standards these centaur machines represented quite a leap forward in capability to what was was achievable with a horse.

    More photos of Centaur Tractors can be seen in the registry in the CHA grouping toward the end of the registry.

    In c1923 the Central Tractor Company produced a catalog of their CENTAUR tractor designed for small farm or light duty use on large farms. At the time of the catalog the Centaur tractor had already been in production for 5 years.
    Research indicates that New Way engines were fitted to the Centaur Model "A" through to Model "F" after which, in c1926, for the Model "G", a 2 cylinder water cooled 10 H.P. Le Roi engine was used.

    While the Central Tractor Company of Greenwich Ohio, in their early years of production, produced small tractors that were powered by New Way Motor Company engines, they could also be purchased with almost a myriad of attachments. The attachments made these tractors extremely versatile and could therefore readily be promoted by the CENTRAL TRACTOR COMPANY as a reliable and efficient replacement for the horse team on the farm.

    They truly represented the transition from animal power to machine on the smaller farm, yet by today's standards and design, certainly now present as dinosaurs of the Farm Tractor.

    Powered by the New Way 2-5 H.P. throttle governed engine.

    • New Way Series "A" Model "C" Type "H" engine
      • Generally referred to as a "CH" engine
      • Draw Bar Horse Power - 2.5

    The Centaur could be fitted out with many attachments. Many of these are illustrated in the Centaur Tractor Catalog thereby making the farmer aware of the possibilities of the CENTAUR in it's diverse applications for the farm.
    The original 32 page catalog which can be downloaded has 8 pages missing but still very ably depicts many of these attachments. These include:

    • Riding Cultivator
      • Allows operator to be seated while working
      • Tractor also operates as a walk behind.
    • Mower
    • Wheel Lug Band Attachments
      • Applicable in various soil types
    • Sulky Plow
    • Spike Tooth Harrow
    • Disk Harrows
      •  eg. 8x14 inch disks
    • Grape Hoe (by John Deere)
    • Landscape Drag 
    • Landscape Leveler
    • Cultivating Tool Bars up to 48 inch.
    • Wagon / Truck 
      • 38x76 inch sided tray
    • Hitch Truck
      • For attaching proprietary equipment
    Of course the Centaur could also be fitted out for wood sawing and potato digging, and the like. 

    Cover Page example
    • Speed 1-3 MPH
    • Drive wheels diameter - 28 inch
    • Gearing - Forward and Reverse
    • Length - 70 inch
    • Width - 30.5 inch
    • Clutch - Multiple Disc
    • Differential Drive
    While the CENTAUR TRACTOR catalog in the library has the center group of pages missing it is still an excellent reference for the enthusiast of the Central Tractor Company of Ohio and the New Way Motor Company of Lansing Michigan. The document really does declare the ingenuity of a company at the forefront in the crossover from horse power to tractor power especially on the smaller scale farm. Mouse Click centaur to access this CENTAUR document.

    More Documents - refer LIBRARY

    On our Selection - Down on the farm
    "No Horsing around - It's the New Way."

    Monday, May 4, 2020

    MARCO Light and Power Instruction - New Way Powered

    Those avid followers of plant from the Marco Light and Power Corporation that employed New Way motors to drive their 32 Volt DC generators will be very interested in our latest addition to the library - an excellent quality 16 page Detailed Instruction Manual.

    Who was Marco Light and Power Corporation

    • A division of the Marmon Chicago Company Inc.
      • 2430 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois
    • Produced power plants suited to "on the farm" / household applications to provide DC electric power to homes, workshop and farm. 
      • Defined as a "CENTRAL POWER STATION" 
    • Utilized New Way engines to provide energy to drive the generators over a number of years.
    • Early power plants utilized the New Way Series "F" Engine
      • 4 H.P. Hinged Crank Case engine to enable ready maintenance.
    • Later power plants utilized the New Way Series "A" Engine
      • 2-5 H.P. throttle governed engine
    The New Way Library now has 4 documents specifically related to Marco Light and Power Plants all powered by New Way engines. 

    Recent additions include the 16 page detailed Instruction document designed to enable the buyer to take delivery and install the complete system:-
    • INSTALLING and OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS MARCO LIGHT and POWER which covers details including:-
      • Generator connection
        • Rated -1500 Watts @ 40 Volts
      • Battery Connection
        • Includes Battery Installation, testing and management
      • Control Panel Wiring, description and operating instructions
        • 16 Cells - 32Volt D.C. Electric System
      • Engine Instructions including at plant set up. 
      • Concrete Engine Bed design instructions and specifications
    The Library documents specific to Marco and powered by New Way Engines are:
    (Mouse Over Click on TITLES to access)
    • MARCO LIGHT AND POWER PLANT [ 2 page Brochure]
      • Utilizing the New Way "F" Series Engine
        • 4 H.P. Hinged Crankcase motor
      • Utilizing the New Way "CH" Engine
        • 2-5 H.P. Multipurpose Engine
        • Extols in great detail, the multiplicity of functions the engine can be used for on the farm, promoting quality, diversity and value for money.
      • Uses US army design requirements thereby promoting it for it's "Overwhelming Superiority". 
        •   Marco Supports these claims with key component specification details.
          • Page 14 - Engine Specifications
          • Page 14 - Generator Specifications
          • Page 15 - Storage Battery Specifications
          • Page 15 - Control Panel Specifications
      • Utilizing the New Way "CH" Engine
        • 2-5 H.P. Multipurpose Engine
      • Includes - Parts and Pricing list

    Over 120 New Way related documents are available. 

    For access and free download just go to the LIBRARY. (click)

    It's the season to Stay Covid-19 Safe. 

    Settle back, have a read.

    Be Wise - Think Smart - Think Long Term


    Tuesday, April 28, 2020

    Ziegler Machinery Company - New Way 5 H.P. Engine Powered Pumps

    New Way Library has just had another document added related to New Way engines powering 3rd party mining and contractor equipment. The 4 page document gives details and pump specifications. The document relates to plant of the Ziegler Machinery Company, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

    Ziegler Machinery Company

    • Ziegler was involved in construction mining and industrial equipment.
    • The Company produced AULTMAN PUMPS 
    • Portable Heavy Duty Power Pump
    • Real Cross Head Type
    • Suited to Mine Service or Contractor
      • Specifications dependent on service use
    • Powered by New Way Engines
      • 2 - 5 H.P. Engine
    • Pumps of different sizes, capacity and pressure specified
      • eg. 1800 or 3000 gallon per hour
    Cover Page - AULTMAN PUMPS
    This is yet another company that saw the benefits of utilizing the NEW WAY AIR COOLED ENGINE to drive or power their plant. 

    Obviously reliability, quality and portability would have been strong selling points in the marrying of the 5 H.P. New Way power plant with Ziegler Machinery Company's Aultman Pumps.

    You can download the document from the library or just by clicking the Aultman Pumps link here.

    Our "In Times Like These" Message

    Be Covid-19 safe

    Even Australia, with its early strong controls, testing rates and infection tracing has now had 80 deaths in 25 million people - People First. 

    Be Wise - Think Smart - Think Long Term.


    Tuesday, April 14, 2020

    New Way Library Documents

    D-25 Application List
    A cursory look at applications for New Way engines soon reveals that in its era the use of motor power was just really burgeoning. A period where, on the farm, most were transitioning from the horse to motor power.

    Further, by design, the New Way presented the ideal power source by reason of air cooling and comparative light weight since no cumbersome, often spill-able, water reservoir was required for cooling.

    The New Way Motor Company's Engines were used as STANDARD power on a multitude of 3rd party propriety equipment as highlighted in the D-25 Catalog . This catalog  was recently added to the library and also featured the early Centaur Tractor.

    D-25 included virtual myriads of uses for all sorts of industrial, commercial, marine and farm applications as shown in the extract at right.

    Recently more documents have been added to the Library of some 3rd party company's plant powered by New Way Motor Company engines. Many documents are compliments of the Historical Construction Equipment Association.

    PLANT powered by "New Way":
    [Mouse over titles - click to access documents]

    Each of these 3rd party publications by statement and use, extol the virtues of various "New-Way" engines of the New Way Motor Company. Quality and reliability appear as reasoning behind the powering of their plant by "New-Way"

    These are just some examples of 3rd party brochures featuring New Way engines. We know there must be many more that could be featured when they become available. A good example being the early Centaur Tractor that was powered by New Way 5 H.P. "CH" engines. Please note, there are quit a few of these tractors already listed in the registry. 

    As noted earlier, these Centaurs' are also featured in the D-25 Catalog with a good pictorial representation. These machines really do represent dinosaurs in early small tractor development. Their spiked wheels readily reminding us of the Stegosaurus Dinosaur that many children are so familiar with today.

    For any other 3rd party Company Brochures featuring "New Way" engines not listed here?
    We would love to hear about it with a view to featuring it / them in the library. 
    Just email 

    Re Covid 19 - Be in for the Long Haul - Think Smart - Think Long Term


    Friday, April 10, 2020

    New Way Vertical Twin 10 HP Engine "Bulletin No. 10"

    Bulletin No.10 has just been added to the "New Way" Library compliments of the "Historic Construction Equipment Association". We thank the Construction association for their support in providing the document.

    BULLETIN No.10  

    • New Way 10 H.P. Twin Air Cooled engine
    • A "Series A" engine defined as the "TWIN NO. 2"
      • Key promotional line :- "Built Strong As A Battleship" 
    • 8 page document in excellent condition
    • Manufactured by New Way Motor Company as specified by this document but subsequently also produced by the New Way Engine and Machine Company (refer other library documents)
    Cover Page "Bulletin No.10"
    • Defines modern attributes of the New Way Air Cooled engine.
      • Light cast iron pistons in honed cylinders
      • Roller CAM and Crank Shaft roller bearings
      • Float feed Tillotson carburetor
      • Positive Air Governor
      • Timing gears steel and "Formica" bakelite
      • Eisemann HT flywheel magneto
      • Fuel either - Gasoline, kerosene, alcohol or Natural and Artificial gas.
    • Promotes ease of servicing
    • Multiple Outline Drawings of Engine Outfits
      • Power Take off
      • Multiple Disc (6) Clutch
    • Defines different types of outfits available for shipping
    • Brake H.P. Curve against revs and fuel usage
    • Promotional letters
    Check it out 

    Bulletin No. 10 (Click)

    The engine is the "GH" Model engine and represents the last and latest engine design ultimately produced either by the New Way Motor Company or by the New Way Engine and Machine Company. 
    No actual "GH" Instruction manual exists in the library at this point but the Twin "EH" instruction is available and has many of the features of this larger engine. 

    Enjoy and Stay Covid-19 Safe

    Wednesday, March 25, 2020

    Historical Construction Equipment Association - New Way Documents


    We thank the Historical Construction Equipment Association [HCEA] of Ohio, once again for the supply of copies of documents related specifically to the "New Way Motor Company"

    • "Catalog D-25" (click) was added to the New Way Library  (click) today (over 100 specific New Way documents already available)
    • More HCEA supplied "New Way" featured copies to follow 

    GOALS:- Working to preserve the history of the construction equipment that shaped our world . . .

    The Historical Construction Equipment Association (HCEA) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to preserving for public education the history of the construction, dredging and surface mining equipment industries. ( HCEA Home Page Quote)

    HCEA Museum is home to a an extremely diverse range of construction equipment from the very small to the mammoth. 

    Types of equipment include:
    • Shovels Cranes and Excavators
    • Crawler and Wheel Tractors
    • Road Graders, Drags, Shapers
    • Rollers and Compactors
    • Scrapers
    • Elevating Graders and Loaders
    • Scarifiers and Plows
    • Compressors Drills and Generators
    • Underground Equipment
    • Concrete aggregate and Paving Equipment
    • Haulers and Trucks
    • Wagons and Trailers
    • Pumps
    • Miscellaneous 

    Many of these are in restored working condition with photos or videos available.

    The HCEA library archive contains countless original documents and photos etc. stored in its climate controlled facility providing a service to collectors of construction, surface mining and dredging equipment, manufacturers and historians etc..

    HCEA is open to membership from both individual and corporate identities.

    We encourage you to visit the HCEA home page and readily navigate specific dedicated pages associated with various plant and documents. You will find plenty of interesting material, promotions and services that are available to both member and the public. Archivist Tom Berry providing a service based on his years of study in the construction industry. 
    I encourage you to do a HCEA site search for the equipment where your particular passion lies. There is a mine of information waiting to be discovered.  

    Added Today from HCEA -
    The D-25 Catalog (click) has, aside from all its specific engine data, four pages of excellent illustrations (over 30) showing individual 3rd party plant manufacturers that powered their equipment with New Way Engines. It is a great example showing diversified application of these engines with everything from road to electrical and farm plant etc illustrated. 
    New Way Motor Company utilized "D" catalogs virtually from it's inception in 1905 as it's key product catalog defining current engine and equipment range. The numeric value of the catalog generally indicated the year of release. Many of these are available in the New Way Library, eg D11, D14, D16, D20 etc..  
    D-25 Cover Page

    D-25 is just one document, from one company, representing diversification and 3rd party functionality that could be so easily be lost to history, without the dedication and determination of the likes of HCEA and it's faithful donors. 

    Again thanks to HCEA for their exemplary service. HCEA home page


    Thursday, November 28, 2019


    The New Way Motor Company started production in a 100 ft shed in Michigan. Early production was blighted by fire but this among other things of course ensured the company moved with an eye to expansion.

    It is obvious from the following photo and the New Way Motor Company Mutual Benefit Association that there was great respect for New Way workers both on the production line and also to ensure their care outside the factory workshop. The Benefit Association booklet makes a great read for a company early in the 20th century already mindful of it's social obligations. Click the link and have a read.

    Engine: Inspection of the photo reveals a Vertical Model "A" Type "C" engine holding center stage with apparent workers and staff of the New Way Motor Company.
    Workers: The left side of the photos shows a group of well dressed men in ties, likely office staff or factory management with the remainder giving the appearance of  engineering factory workers.
    Location: It is obvious from inspection of the building that it has not been taken at the original factory facility but rather because of building construction, is at their New Factory Facility in the very early days, since the landscaping is very rudimentary and nothing like illustrations when the factory was serviced by rail and well landscaped like a prosperous factory facility.
    Characteristics of the building in the photo greatly resemble the building construction of the factory c1910. indicating it was just after initial construction. See the illustration below.
    It is reasonable therefore to assert that the photo was taken likely to celebrate the commencement of production at the new factory using their flagship "3 1/2 HP Air Cooled" motor.


    Tuesday, November 5, 2019

    LAY Farm Light - New Way Engine Driven

    NEW WAY POWERED - Proprietary Equipment
    New Way produced engines that in their day were ideally suited for driving various types of plant.
    One such company recently brought to our  notice is L.A. Young Industries of Detroit Michigan. The company generally specialized in springs and wire but were also involved in other mechanical machinery and development of golfing equipment.

    RESEARCH - Investigation reveals that L.A. Young had multiple U.S. patents issued for many of the fields represented above but to this point we have found nothing related to electricity generation or lighting that would indicate that the "FARM LIGHT" plant might be of their development or have particular developments in accordance with their patents. Consequently the generator / alternator /regulator is probably a rebadged outfit from another recognized manufacturer. Likely L. A. Young was taking advantage of a burgeoning market for domestic farm power and teamed the New Way Engine with a reliable electric company's plant.

    ENGINE - NEW WAY Series "F" - 4 H.P. (c Mid 1900 teens) - Carburetor, throttle governed engines

    ELECTRICS - No electrics were found with the engine but given the era of production it is likely it was used to charge a farm battery bank and expected to be regulated 32 Volt D.C. The ID tag gives no indication of these pertinent facts. The engine is fitted with a wide pully to take a wide flat belt indicating the generator was belt driven as against a chain drive.

    PHOTOS - Engine and ID Tag. The tag only mentions L.A. Young being completely devoid of mention of "New Way" but a check of patent dates on the tag clearly declares that the engine is indeed a re-badged New Way engine.

    INFO- Has anyone seen one of these and/or has further information they can supply us with it would be much appreciated. Just contact me on my email 


    Monday, July 29, 2019

    New Way M Series Engines

    The M Series New Way Engines have always presented a quandary when trying to identify a particular model within the range.

    New Way Engines are generally readily identified by looking at the size of the cylinder. Further, often the cylinder part number also tells you the not only the model but also the type of the engine. The raised casting number is generally found on the cylinder close to the crankcase join.

    By referencing the cylinder in parts tables for a particular series engine it is then very easy to determine the H.P. of your New Way Engine. This means even if the ID plate is missing or it wasn't fitted to your model engine as is the case from factory for some models, you can still tell exactly what model engine you have.
    Problem? - New Way Motor Company like many companies used interchangeable parts not only within engine series but also across engine series. For the later series engines, using the same cylinder part, the cylinder part number will give you the H.P. but it will obviously not give you the Model.

    No ID Plates or missing shroud? -  New Way Motor Company did not fit ID plates to some series engines including to the J Series and M Series. In some cases the shroud was designated with H.P., model and type but often over the years shrouds were removed. Obviously, identification problems are compounded when the shroud is missing or text is no longer legible.

    For engines that have no ID plate, New Way Motor Company also resorted to stamping the serial number, often on a machined section at the join on the Cylinder and Crankcase on a general alignment with the oiler. In cases where the number is prefixed by a letter the letter indicates the Model and therefore the H.P.. eg U884
    NOTE: The engine serial number is stamped. It is not the raised casting number you will probably see on the cylinder. Raised numbers are the generic part number. eg FC39 for a certain size cylinder.

    Series M engines spanned key progressions in engineering and technology so that they were classified both as Type C and with progression to throttle governing, as Type F.
    • EARLY Series M engines were fitted out and defined as Type "C" engines using the same cylinder parts as the "J" Series engines.
      • Gasoline engines were all literally Type "C" as they had no Throttle governing but remained a Hit- Miss engine
      • Kerosene engines were initially called Type "C" but were later called the standard designation of Type "F" as they were literally throttle governed engines.
    • LATER Kerosene Series M Engines were fitted out as and defined as Type "F" engines
      • Engineering also progressed from a bolt on inlet port to an inlet port casting that was integral part of the cylinder casting. 
        • ie. "J" series cylinders were not used 

    Applicable to "J" SERIES engines and the early "M" Series Type C Engines.
    1. "J" Series and "M" Series engines had the same H.P. range
    2. "J" Series Horizontal Engines were in production first so Cylinder Casting numbers of early M Series engines literally apply to the "J" Series.
    3. "M" Series Engines - Consequently, Cylinder Part number only indicates H.P not the Model
      1. Raised Casting Number on Cylinder
        1. 2 letters prefix 39 in all cases eg. FC39 for a 3 H.P. engine
        2. Use this to determine H.P. of Type "C" engines and earlier kerosene Type "F".

    Source of information used in research to determine "M" series models includes:

    • Engine Instruction Manuals
    • New Way Sales Catalogs
    • Original designated shrouds from registered engines.
    • Following established New Way protocols for engine identification. 

    DETERMINING MODEL of a Type C Engine

    • With "M" Series engines fitted with "J" Series cylinders, the cylinder casting number defines the H.P. of the engine as shown in the manual parts tables.
    • Additionally some stamped serial numbers are prefixed with the Model alpha code eg "U2431 for a 3.5 H.P. engine.
    • Shrouds are specific to M Series engines so their part number code reflects the actual Model and Type. [Refer Table]
    • Both Kerosene and Gasoline engines were initially designated Type "C". 

    •  Serial Number may be prefixed by the letter dictating the model eg P1245
    • Later Kerosene engines used standard throttle governed typing of Type "F"
    • Cylinder / inlet Casting Number may not be a standard xx39 but use a generic New Way code of LFC .
      • "LFC" was used by New Way Motor Company on other early engines. (possibly a prototype designation until the casting was accepted by engineering)    
    • Cooling Hood (shroud) that surrounds the cylinder is individual to each model of "M" Series engine. The Cooling Hood part numbers, being model specific, therefore reflect the model but not necessarily the type if it is a late kerosene engine.   
    NOTE:- The Cooling Hood part number [3rd column] being model specific, reflects the model and type of the engine except for later throttle governed, kerosene Type "F engines.

    Part No.
    Note 1
    Note 2
    1.5 H.P.

    2.0 H.P.
    K - Kerosene
    2.5 H.P.
    K - Kerosene
    3.0 H.P.
    K - Kerosene
    3.5 H.P.
    K - Kerosene
    4.0 H.P.
    K - Kerosene
    4.5 H.P.

    K - Kerosene
    6.0 H.P.
    K - Kerosene

    TABLE NOTE 1:- Engines that are Type "F" will be designated as an "F" in the type column. Applies to some "later" Throttle Governed Kero engines only.
    TABLE NOTE 2:- Kerosene engines are recorded for all sizes except the 2 H.P. engine. The Serial Number often carries a suffix of "K" to indicate that fact.
    •  eg for a 6 H.P. it may show W4012K

    Sales brochures supported this with an additional Typing of "K" for kerosene engines. 
    • Example - A 6 H.P. kero engine fully described would be either:
      • Series M Model W Type CK  
      • Series M Model W Type FK

    Bolt-on Intake Port Casting
    Intake Port cast as part of Cylinder Casting
     M Series Intakes

    Early versions were the same as the "J" Series engines as shown in the left photo. [Bolt On]

    Later version engines had the intake port cast as part of the cylinder casting as shown in the right photo[Early "Standard" engine design principle but using parallel top fins in lieu of radial top fins]

    The M Series Model and Type for a particular HP engine can generally be determined by looking at your engine's cylinder casting number eg FC39. By looking at the Instruction Manual parts list, this will tell you it's HP and also what the Shroud Part Number is in this case is MC80.

    • So with FC39 we know it is 3 H.P.
    • With MC80 we know it is Model "M" Type "C"
      • the only exception is if it is a late model Kero engine in which case it is a Type "F"  - so Model "M" Type "F
    It is only the Type that changes with advances in technology and then only for the Kerosene Throttle Governed Engine as standard type "F" is adopted. 

    All of the "M" Series Instruction Manuals we own, seen or inquired about only have the Bolt-on intake setup illustrations and so only list "J" Series cylinder parts (as shown in column 1 of the table.)

    I would be very keen to hear from anyone who might have an Instruction Manual that shows the fully cast combined Cylinder/Intake casting and lists the part numbers for this new part. 

    By example, younger Instruction Manuals for very early Standard Engines listed parts and showed changes generally by specifying year of production. The first manuals for these engines are obviously devoid of this detail.

    It may well be that New Way never produced an instruction manual for their later engine given that it operated exactly the same as the one using the "J" Series cylinders.  

    Can you help by checking your Series M manual? If you find what we are chasing please send us an email.
