New Way Stationary Engines

Aim - To serve and support the New Way Stationary Engine restoration community.
There was a New Way Stationary Motor inclined to Hit and Miss. It was designed that way but intermittently it would missfire and this in the confines of the beekeepers shed fired my imagination, grabbing my senses. I just loved the sound of the New Way 3.5Hp working - likely fuelled by a too rich mixture.
With each missfire came the tell tale puff of blue smoke and via the old sawbench, the beekeeping manufacturing business was underway, alive and well. Alf was in his element. Romance, nah, hard work but Hoots the New Way went a long way in firing the imagination of times past running in the present. The present, after all, that's where life is, it's not in the past, but romancing the past, that's the present if you're living it.
The priveledge of life. Present and past is now!!! - alive.

Ye Olde Sawbench & New Way Motor kept company by Howard Rotary Hoes

Saturday, August 29, 2020


Today we wish to promote the services of the Wisconsin Historical Society Library and thank them for the advertising material on "New-Way" engines. 

The Wisconsin Historical Society Library carries quite an extensive collection of historical records and advertisements for companies and machines of the past. Like many libraries it provides a service to the public enabling research or procurement of documents or manuals to help people in pursuit of their interests. 

ADVERTISING of "New Way Engines"

Wisconsin Historical Society Library has quite a collection of advertisements featuring equipment of the New Way Motor company. Copies of these we have assembled into a booklet. 


  • New Way Motor Company
    • 5 Engines in 1
    • CH Model Engine
    • Multi-Purpose Air Cooled Engine
  • Marmon Chicago Company Inc.
    • Marco Light and Power Plant
    • 1500 watt Generator
    • Powered by New Way Engine
    • Barlow Corporation - Distributors
    • Army proved
The advertisements are quite large and in good condition with extensive use of pictures / graphics. They give a lot of detail about both the engines and where applicable, the generating power plant. They strongly promote proven reliability and use the army supply as a strong basis for these claims.
While all advertisements feature New Way engines only some are specifically New Way Motor Company advertising material. Many seek to show the versatility of "5 Engines in 1" and it's application not only as a lighting plant but in many other applications on both farm and the construction workplace etc.
The 21 Page booklet has been formatted for A4 with many of the advertisements being very close to that size in their original format. Booklet indexing on page 2 uses the main title of each advert giving the main thrust of each advertisement.

The New Way Registry Library now has over 120 documents specifically related to "New Way" equipment. The latest Wisconsin Collection booklet can be accessed HERE or simply go to the library and scroll down to the last one in the compilation group. 

All documents are for private non commercial use and free to download.


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