New Way Stationary Engines

Aim - To serve and support the New Way Stationary Engine restoration community.
There was a New Way Stationary Motor inclined to Hit and Miss. It was designed that way but intermittently it would missfire and this in the confines of the beekeepers shed fired my imagination, grabbing my senses. I just loved the sound of the New Way 3.5Hp working - likely fuelled by a too rich mixture.
With each missfire came the tell tale puff of blue smoke and via the old sawbench, the beekeeping manufacturing business was underway, alive and well. Alf was in his element. Romance, nah, hard work but Hoots the New Way went a long way in firing the imagination of times past running in the present. The present, after all, that's where life is, it's not in the past, but romancing the past, that's the present if you're living it.
The priveledge of life. Present and past is now!!! - alive.

Ye Olde Sawbench & New Way Motor kept company by Howard Rotary Hoes

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

New Way Twin Instruction Manual - 7Hp

Birth of Air Cooled Commercial Engines.

THE EARLY YEARS - In the little dot pointed listing here we show the patterns of development of New Way Engines from Types to Models. A little "History in Brief".

Types used common design principles even if their format was quite different.
For example the same type applied to both Vertical or Horizontal, single or twin where the valve layout and actuation was similar.

Type classification changed for example, when the valve layout and actuation was redesigned as in the Type D  where a rocker was used and both inlet and exhaust valves operated via the TOP of the cylinder. 

 The Chronological Model thread did not flow across into the later light single cylinder "Jewel" engines.


  • 1905 - 1st January 1905 the New Way Motor Company was incorporated.
  • 1905 - Commercial production of the New Way Type "C" vertical engine - 3.5 Hp
    •  Called "Model A"
  • 1906 - Commercial production of the New Way Type "C" 7 Hp.Twin Cylinder.
    • Called "Model B"
  • 1907 - Commercial production of the New Way Type "C" vertical engine - 2.5 Hp
    • Called of course their "Model C"
  • 1907 - Commercial production of the New Way Type "D" vertical engine - 6 Hp
    • Called of course their "Model D"
  • 1911 - Commercial production of the New Way Type "C" vertical engine - 4.5 Hp
    • Called of course their "Model E"
 NOTE: This MODEL production thread does continue in later years but excludes the Jewel Series engines at least.

It is readily seen from above that in the early stages of the New Way Motor Company production that the "TYPE" was specific to a particular development style whilst the "MODEL" crossed all the lines of development and was representative of the chronological order of initial production no matter what TYPE of motor it represented. 

Library News
There have been 2 Instruction manuals that have eluded us until recently. 
Not any more. 
We have recently procured in virtual pristine condition an original manual for the 7 Hp Model B Type C Twin. 
We will soon be making watermarked copies available for free download from the library. Keep your eyes peeled in the next few weeks.

WE ARE - Still desperately seeking - you probably guessed it  - the Instruction Manual for the 8 and 12 Hp Throttle Governed Horizontal Twins. We are aware that in mid production years it was included with the Hit Miss 8 and 12 Hp instructions.

If you have or know of someone with a Throttle Governed Horizontal Twin instruction manual we would love to hear and be able to make a watermarked copy available to enthusiasts. We watermark to protect to integrity of the original valuable document etc.


Thursday, August 4, 2016

John Deere General Catalog 5 - 1912

The New Way Motor Company obviously had a strong relationship with John Deere which extended over some years. John Deere strongly promoted the New Way Engines and Associated Power Plants as is amply illustrated and promoted in it's 1912 general catalog. John Deere's great centers of PORTLAND, SPOKAINE, SEATTLE and BOISE form the promotional backbone of the catalog.

Of significance in this developmental relationship was evidenced in the mid-teens of the 20th century when the Deere  enterprise was involved in tractor development with "New Way" utilizing their twin Cylinder Air cooled engine.

We have added an extract of the John Deere General catalog 5 to the "New Way" library. It is a 36 page document provided compliments of Heritage Acres Museum, Victoria BC, Canada, who are also the proud owners of a New Way Horizontal Twin Cylinder Engine.


  • John Deere introduction highlights including the world first "Steel Plow" of 1837.
  • "New Way Air Cooled Verticals - 2½, 3½ and 6 Hp engines.
  • Twin Cylinder enclosed crankcase "Splash Lube" illustration
  • 8 and 12 Hp Twin Cylinder illustration and description with force fed oiler (Hancock) and Bosch HT magneto
  • Pully and Friction Clutch Pully options.
  • New Way Jewel - single cylinder horizontal engines of 1½ and 2½ Hp
  • New Way Rapid Power Sprayers No 2 and No 4 with detailed pump descriptive illustrations showing detailed interconnection between  the physical pumps and engines.
  • John Deere Portable Saw outfit - a portable 4 wheel mounted outfit driving 26 or 28 inch saw optioned with a range of New Way single or 7 Hp twin engines.
  • "New Way Traction Saw" is excellently illustrated and a detailed description supplied as to it's workings. It is a self propelled wood sawing outfit in a genuine early tractor format.
  • Sled Mounted "Rapid" Gas Engine Drag Saw utilising either the 3½ and 4½ Hp. vertical engines is well illustrated and described in detail.
  • Eveready primary cell illustration as may have been used to replace factory fitted "New Way" cells use on "New Way" Buzz coils.
  • Vertical Type "C" color plate
  • Horizontal Jewel Color plate
  • "New Way Motor Company" Factory B/W plate.
You can download yourself a free copy for your private use from our library at this address. It is a great document of with good illustrations and very informative descriptive material.

Extract John Deere Catalog 5, 1912

For further "New Way" documents simply choose from those in the library on the registry site.

Library Link

There are currently about 90 documents to choose from.
