New Way Stationary Engines

Aim - To serve and support the New Way Stationary Engine restoration community.
There was a New Way Stationary Motor inclined to Hit and Miss. It was designed that way but intermittently it would missfire and this in the confines of the beekeepers shed fired my imagination, grabbing my senses. I just loved the sound of the New Way 3.5Hp working - likely fuelled by a too rich mixture.
With each missfire came the tell tale puff of blue smoke and via the old sawbench, the beekeeping manufacturing business was underway, alive and well. Alf was in his element. Romance, nah, hard work but Hoots the New Way went a long way in firing the imagination of times past running in the present. The present, after all, that's where life is, it's not in the past, but romancing the past, that's the present if you're living it.
The priveledge of life. Present and past is now!!! - alive.

Ye Olde Sawbench & New Way Motor kept company by Howard Rotary Hoes

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Historical Construction Equipment Association - New Way Documents


We thank the Historical Construction Equipment Association [HCEA] of Ohio, once again for the supply of copies of documents related specifically to the "New Way Motor Company"

  • "Catalog D-25" (click) was added to the New Way Library  (click) today (over 100 specific New Way documents already available)
  • More HCEA supplied "New Way" featured copies to follow 

GOALS:- Working to preserve the history of the construction equipment that shaped our world . . .

The Historical Construction Equipment Association (HCEA) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to preserving for public education the history of the construction, dredging and surface mining equipment industries. ( HCEA Home Page Quote)

HCEA Museum is home to a an extremely diverse range of construction equipment from the very small to the mammoth. 

Types of equipment include:
  • Shovels Cranes and Excavators
  • Crawler and Wheel Tractors
  • Road Graders, Drags, Shapers
  • Rollers and Compactors
  • Scrapers
  • Elevating Graders and Loaders
  • Scarifiers and Plows
  • Compressors Drills and Generators
  • Underground Equipment
  • Concrete aggregate and Paving Equipment
  • Haulers and Trucks
  • Wagons and Trailers
  • Pumps
  • Miscellaneous 

Many of these are in restored working condition with photos or videos available.

The HCEA library archive contains countless original documents and photos etc. stored in its climate controlled facility providing a service to collectors of construction, surface mining and dredging equipment, manufacturers and historians etc..

HCEA is open to membership from both individual and corporate identities.

We encourage you to visit the HCEA home page and readily navigate specific dedicated pages associated with various plant and documents. You will find plenty of interesting material, promotions and services that are available to both member and the public. Archivist Tom Berry providing a service based on his years of study in the construction industry. 
I encourage you to do a HCEA site search for the equipment where your particular passion lies. There is a mine of information waiting to be discovered.  

Added Today from HCEA -
The D-25 Catalog (click) has, aside from all its specific engine data, four pages of excellent illustrations (over 30) showing individual 3rd party plant manufacturers that powered their equipment with New Way Engines. It is a great example showing diversified application of these engines with everything from road to electrical and farm plant etc illustrated. 
New Way Motor Company utilized "D" catalogs virtually from it's inception in 1905 as it's key product catalog defining current engine and equipment range. The numeric value of the catalog generally indicated the year of release. Many of these are available in the New Way Library, eg D11, D14, D16, D20 etc..  
D-25 Cover Page

D-25 is just one document, from one company, representing diversification and 3rd party functionality that could be so easily be lost to history, without the dedication and determination of the likes of HCEA and it's faithful donors. 

Again thanks to HCEA for their exemplary service. HCEA home page
