You might have guessed this is in part Tribute to Neil Armstrong and his band of Space Travellers.
Buzz Coils (Buzz Aldrin was there Too!!)
New Way Motor Company prided themselves like our space travellers in having the best when it came to reliability in the ignition department.
- Ist choice High Tension Magneto Ignition.
- Bosch - Various models
- National
- Later Models - Eisemann flywheel Magneto
- 2nd choice Low Tension Magneto Ignition combined with 4 New Way Dry cells with a buzz coil
- New Way L.T. Magneto (essentially a rebadged Wizard L.T. Magneto
- Magnetos were friction driven off the Large Flywheel
- L.T. Magnetos had a weighted, sprung governor to prevent over revving of the magneto.
- Over-revving would increase the voltage and effect the buzz coil operation/adjustment since there is no other means of voltage regulation.
- The engine could be started on cells and buzz coil then switched over to L.T. Magneto and Buzz Coil
- 3rd choice stand alone 4 New Way Dry cells with a buzz coil
- Cheapest original purchase option but the dearest to run because of cell replacement.
- Very prone to failure in frosty cold conditions.
Buzz Coil Model "L"
- Tuned or adjusted for Dry Cell Working
- Buzz Coil Model "LM"
- Tuned or adjusted for L.T. Magneto {Dynamo} Working
The Dynamo will produce in the order of 6 volts D.C. ripple unlike the four dry cells that produce 6 Volts D.C.
- I do not know the difference in electrical characteristics of the buzz coils
- The boxes look the same in virtually every aspect including size.
- Different Magnetic Flux characteristics probably drove the need to produce two units to achieve "Best performance"
- The brass Tag readily tells them apart
Buzz and Neil - Keeping Dreams Alive
"Live" your Life